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Title Author(s) Year/month Publication Tags ADS DOI
Infrared monitoring of the sky background emission above Dome C Epchtein, N., Busso, M. & Tosti, G. 2004/12 SF2A-2004: Semaine de l'Astrophysique Francaise Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Instrument design, Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Characteristics/Sky brightness & stability, Wavelength/Infrared ADS  
Robotic telescopes on the Antarctic plateau Ashley, M. C. B. et al. 2004/10 Astronomische Nachrichten Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Instrument design ADS DOI
A robotic instrument for measuring high altitude atmospheric turbulence from Dome C, Antarctica Lawrence, Jon S. et al. 2004/10 Ground-based Telescopes Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Instrument design, Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Characteristics/Seeing & integrated turbulence ADS DOI
Antarctica: the potential for interferometry Storey, John W. 2004/10 New Frontiers in Stellar Interferometry Type/Review, Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Instrument design, Site/Dome C (Concordia Station) ADS DOI
AFOS: probing the UV-visible potential of the Antarctic plateau Dempsey, Jessica T. et al. 2004/09 Ground-based Instrumentation for Astronomy Hemisphere/Antarctic, Characteristics/Precipitable water vapour, Type/Instrument design, Type/In-situ or ground-based observations, Wavelength/Optical, Site/South Pole, Characteristics/Sky brightness & stability ADS DOI
Exceptional astronomical seeing conditions above Dome C in Antarctica Lawrence, Jon S. et al. 2004/09 Nature Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/In-situ or ground-based observations, Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Characteristics/Seeing & integrated turbulence ADS DOI
Infrared and Submillimeter Atmospheric Characteristics of High Antarctic Plateau Sites Lawrence, J. S. 2004/05 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Modelling, Characteristics/Atmospheric transparency, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Site/Dome A (Kunlun Station), Site/South Pole, Wavelength/mm & sub-mm ADS DOI
Adaptive-optics performance of Antarctic telescopes Lawrence, Jon S. 2004/02 Applied Optics Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Instrument design, Characteristics/Seeing & integrated turbulence, Site/South Pole ADS DOI
Dome C, Antarctica: The Best Accessible Sub-millimetre Site on the Planet? Calisse, P. G. et al. 2004/01 The Dense Interstellar Medium in Galaxies Type/Review, Hemisphere/Antarctic, Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Wavelength/mm & sub-mm ADS DOI
Submillimeter Site Testing at Dome C, Antarctica Calisse, Paolo G. et al. 2004/01 Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/In-situ or ground-based observations, Characteristics/Atmospheric transparency, Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Site/South Pole, Wavelength/mm & sub-mm ADS DOI

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