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Title Author(s) Year/month Publication Tags ADS DOI
Development of a 30-cm submillimeter-wave telescope for the operation at Dome Fuji in Antarctica Ishii, S. et al. 2014/07 Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes V Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Instrument design, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Wavelength/mm & sub-mm ADS DOI
Excellent daytime seeing at Dome Fuji on the Antarctic plateau Okita, H. et al. 2013/06 Astronomy and Astrophysics Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/In-situ or ground-based observations, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Characteristics/Seeing & integrated turbulence, Wavelength/Optical, Characteristics/Boundary layer turbulence, Characteristics/Free atmosphere turbulence profiles ADS DOI
Site characteristics of the high Antarctic plateau Ashley, Michael C. B. 2013/01 Astrophysics from Antarctica Hemisphere/Antarctic, Characteristics/Precipitable water vapour, Type/In-situ or ground-based observations, Characteristics/Atmospheric transparency, Wavelength/Terahertz, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Characteristics/Meteorological data, Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Characteristics/Seeing & integrated turbulence, Wavelength/Optical, Site/Dome A (Kunlun Station), Site/South Pole, Characteristics/Sky brightness & stability, Characteristics/Boundary layer turbulence, Characteristics/Free atmosphere turbulence profiles, Wavelength/Infrared, Site/Ridge A, Wavelength/UV, Characteristics/Aerosols & ice crystals, Characteristics/Ozone ADS DOI
Autonomous observatories for the Antarctic plateau Lawrence, J. S., Ashley, M. C. B. & Storey, J. W. V. 2013/01 Astrophysics from Antarctica Type/Review, Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Instrument design, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Site/Dome A (Kunlun Station), Site/South Pole, Site/Ridge A ADS DOI
Dome Fuji in Antarctica as a Site for Infrared and Terahertz Astronomy Seta, Masumichi et al. 2013/01 Astrophysics from Antarctica Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Instrument design, Type/In-situ or ground-based observations, Characteristics/Atmospheric transparency, Wavelength/Terahertz, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji) ADS DOI
Dome Fuji Station in East Antarctica and the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition Shiraishi, Kazuyuki 2013/01 Astrophysics from Antarctica Type/Review, Hemisphere/Antarctic, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji) ADS DOI
Astronomy in Antarctica in 2009 Burton, Michael G. 2010/11 Highlights of Astronomy Type/Review, Hemisphere/Antarctic, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Site/Dome A (Kunlun Station), Site/South Pole, Site/McMurdo (inc. balloons) ADS DOI
Astronomy in Antarctica Burton, Michael G. 2010/10 Astronomy and Astrophysics Review Type/Review, Hemisphere/Antarctic, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Site/Dome A (Kunlun Station), Site/South Pole, Site/McMurdo (inc. balloons) ADS DOI
Where Is the Best Site on Earth? Domes A, B, C, and F, and Ridges A and B Saunders, Will et al. 2009/09 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Satellite observations, Characteristics/Precipitable water vapour, Type/Modelling, Type/In-situ or ground-based observations, Characteristics/Atmospheric transparency, Wavelength/Terahertz, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Characteristics/Meteorological data, Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Characteristics/Seeing & integrated turbulence, Wavelength/Optical, Site/Dome A (Kunlun Station), Site/South Pole, Characteristics/Sky brightness & stability, Characteristics/Boundary layer turbulence, Characteristics/Free atmosphere turbulence profiles, Wavelength/Infrared, Site/Ridge A ADS DOI
The PLATO Antarctic site testing observatory Lawrence, J. S. et al. 2008/07 Ground-based and Airborne Telescopes II Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Instrument design, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Characteristics/Boundary layer turbulence ADS DOI
Antarctic Boundary Layer Seeing Swain, Mark R. & Gallée, Hubert 2006/08 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Modelling, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Characteristics/Seeing & integrated turbulence, Site/Dome A (Kunlun Station), Site/South Pole, Characteristics/Boundary layer turbulence ADS DOI
Infrared and Submillimeter Atmospheric Characteristics of High Antarctic Plateau Sites Lawrence, J. S. 2004/05 Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Modelling, Characteristics/Atmospheric transparency, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Site/Dome A (Kunlun Station), Site/South Pole, Wavelength/mm & sub-mm ADS DOI
Super Seeing from Antarctica Gillingham, P. 1993/01 Optics in Astronomy: 32nd Herstmonceux Conference Hemisphere/Antarctic, Type/Modelling, Type/In-situ or ground-based observations, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Characteristics/Seeing & integrated turbulence, Wavelength/Optical, Site/Dome A (Kunlun Station), Site/South Pole, Characteristics/Free atmosphere turbulence profiles, Wavelength/Infrared, Site/Ridge A, Wavelength/UV ADS  
Prospects for an Antarctic Observatory Gillingham, P. R. 1991/01 Proceedings of the Astronomical Society of Australia Hemisphere/Antarctic, Characteristics/Precipitable water vapour, Type/Modelling, Type/In-situ or ground-based observations, Site/Dome F (Dome Fuji), Site/Dome C (Concordia Station), Characteristics/Seeing & integrated turbulence, Wavelength/Optical, Site/Dome A (Kunlun Station), Site/South Pole, Characteristics/Sky brightness & stability, Characteristics/Free atmosphere turbulence profiles, Wavelength/Infrared, Site/Ridge A, Wavelength/UV ADS DOI

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